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I shall be  very brief, to the point.

Answer to your Response #1: Source of funding ?--- your money ( meaning the tax-payer's money) - Get it? All governments splurge of tax-payer's money... Innit? BTW your question is not redundant. It is in a way STUPID. I am talking of a government's agenda here. Someone today told me that some vernacular paper has brought out a report on the money spent on victuals for the elected persons. Rs. 30 lacs per month. ..............Tax payer's money .... and these guys are growing paunches???.

Answer to your Response #2: Conclusion? Parameters?: Has the chaotic scene on Goa's Roads reduced a wee bit? Are young people not dying every day? Buses trucks, delivery vans over-turning - killing - maiming people? Rajesh has described the road traffic scene. Did you read that post? Corjuem bridge?? Rupees 24 crores instead of Rs less than 5 crores?? Today, that damned bridge does not sport have a single light and it has not been given a coat of paint since it was installed. It is rusting. People are yearning for the ferry back again. But the heavy trucks making their way to Bicholim onwards are the actual end-users. And where is the approach road. The existing Aldona Market road cannot take that kind of traffic.
-Why not other NGOs??
Are other NGOs a topic on the forum?  That is why.

Dear dear  Bosco,

You must realiaze that you are asking questions of a guy who has founded a political party to decapitate all these political and NGO jokers. I have qualified from a NGO into politics. Therefore, you must tread carefully when you ask questions, because you will get the answers which you were not expecting..

Somebody asked me a question the other day: If your party is all about this, why is it not progressing? My answer was: It will progress when you and people like you start reducing the 'shit' packed in your brains.

No offence meant.


GOA does not only need HONEST persons to contest elections.
Goa does not only need HONEST  voters to elect honest persons.
GOA urgently needs an 'HONEST SYSTEM of GOVERNANCE'.
Wherein, even a dishonest person is forced to be honest  or to QUIT.
Such HONEST SYSTEM OF GOVERNANCE is knocking at GOA's portals.
A  'GIFT HORSE'  that must not be looked in the mouth.

Display the 'PPS' sticker on your vehicle today, to reject political madness tomorrow. [Note: PPS stickers are available at CHAMPS Sports Shops - Mapusa-Panjim-Margao]

-----Original Message-----
From: floriano

> The Chapter on Public Transport & RTO in the said Road Map for Goa
> lists (1) Standardization of vehicle number plates (2) Road Markings
> (3) Automatic Traffice signals (4) Speed Breakers (5) Road Safety (6)
> Vehicular Pollution  (7) Horns & Uses (8) Silence Zones (9) Road
> Marshals (10) Public Parking

RESPONSE: What are the sources of funding for all these initiatives?
Does the said Road Map for Goa identify the same? My apologies if my
question is redundant. Its been (perhaps) 5 years since I read the said
Road Map for Goa at http://www.goasu-raj.org/

> MARG for all I care ( "I" ...  meaning the whole weight of the
> organization called Goa Su-Raj) is a wasted exercise to keep its
> promoters self-satisfied that they are doing something, and ofcourse,
> with a lot of money down the drain.

RESPONSE: How was the conclusion drawn - "wasted exercise" and "a lot of
money down the drain" ?? What tangible parameters were used to come to
this conclusion??

Was it a waste of money to build the Corjuem bridge?? I don’t think so.
But please do not raise the issue of graft. Everybody knows that it
thrives exceedingly well in Goa right from our own neighbourhoods to the
pinnacles of power.

And why pick on MARG?? Don't other NGOs in Goa depend on dole from the
Govt to carry on their work??

- B

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