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Overwhelm TPC on 4th March 2010
The Kamat Government has been taking the Goan people for granted for too long a 
time, as it is said “one just cannot fool the people all the time” and the 
exactly what’s the corrupt Kamat Government has been trying to do, fool us 
Goans all along. 
The corrupt Kamat Government has been indeed falling way too short, in 
delivering any of the promises make to Aam Aadmi, may it be the pre election or 
post election promises, it just doesn’t matter to them as long as they get to 
load up as much wealth as possible by means more foul than fair, irrespective 
of the carnage caused to Goa, it’s ecology, it’s environment and it’s people.
March 4th 2010, will encompass our commitment to Goa, the call given by the GBA 
to all like minded Goans, to profess our support to the cause of Goa, should 
not be in vain. Here is our chance to demand the fulfillment of one of the 
promises made by our elected representatives.
We have been suckers for too far a long time, and it is high time that we take 
the authorities to task. People have tried all peaceful means for an amicable 
solution but our politicians have takes us for granted and riding rough sod 
over our wishes, aspirations and our wellbeing. Form past experience it is true 
that our authorities only listen to the voice of mass movement. 
The GBA has been leading us from the front and it is our duty to overwhelmingly 
support this very emphatic initiative taken by the GBA on our behalf. A stitch 
in time saves nine is a cliché we have often heard, it’s late already but we 
still have a semblance of a chance to save what’s left of Goa. We just do not 
have any sartorial choices left to bank on, so let us be pertinent to Goa’s 
cause and show our solidarity to Goa and Goans and be present in large numbers, 
adhering the call given by the GBA.
Freddy Agnelo Fernandes 


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