Sandeep article on M F Hussain is a height of hypocrisy. While
Sandeep calls the saga of Hussain 
cruel reflection of our times and our society’s growing Intolerance."
Sandeep has no comment on what Hussain's obligation to his own
religion is.

Sandeep calls opposition to Hussain's painting as a sign of
barbarism, however, he has no hassle in justifying the barbarism
in say Islam where he casually attributes
 it to the fact that it is part of
the Muslim religion, or it is part of their tradition.

Any thinking person -- be it Sandeep or Hussain or Marshall
--- ought to ask the
fundamental question --- if I can do such paintings of the
Hindu Gods or Goddesses, why cant I do it in my own religion ?

And if I can't do it, what is the reason ? Can one justify
the barbaric status of one religion saying it is tradition, while at the same 
time talk
about "freedom of speech" when another religion is concerned ?

These double standards are very obvious to any neutral observer.

One needs to see how these so called defenders of "secularism"
go running with their tail between their legs when Tasleema
Nasreen is attacked by the Muslims. For heaven's sake,
dont call yourself secular at least. You are disgracing
that good word.

Freedom of expression is
not a right that applies only selectively or as per convenience.

There is a limit to how much of a tunnel vision one can have.
Yes, the protestors are taking Hinduism to "dark ages"; if 
succesful, Hinduism will then become like Islam which is
still in the dark ages, and then presumably Sandeep and Marshall
will have
no problems with it!


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