Ho Mhozo Desh

Konkani Patriotic Song by Wilfy Rebimbus

For Catholics in India August 15 happens to be a day of twin celebration - the Solemnity of the Assumption of Our Lady as well as the day of India's Independence.

Here is a video of Catholics in Mangalore singing a patriotic song in their native Konkani language.

The song is composed by Wilfy Rebimbus (also seen in the video - extreme left) and was sung on the occassion of the 61st Indian Independence Day (August 15, 2008) during the flag hoisting ceremony after the solemn Assumption Mass at St. Joseph's Church, Jeppu, Mangalore, Karnataka, India.

Posted by Jesuvera


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http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aTduCJkQNiQ         www.t-bush.com

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