Marshall writes:

It is not as if the secularists have not defended or supported Taslima. It
is just that she is not an artist or celebrity like MFH and therefore has
not been hogging the media headlines. Further, the very fact that she could
get asylum in India and live in Kolkotta speaks a lot for itself. That the
hindutva forces are fishing in troubled waters is also self evident from
>this article by Sitaram Yechury.

Though both Hussein and Taslima issues are about freedom of
speech, there is a world of difference between them.
For one, Hussein has the support of the whole Muslim world,
as is evident from the fact that he went to Dubai, and was
given citizenship in Qatar; Taslima had nowhere to go, except
some European countries.

Secondly, Taslima being a woman is much more vulnerable than

Thirdly, remember that she was packed out of Kolkata by
the W. Bengal govt. against her wishes. Indian govt. didnt
want her in India just at the time of the general elections
and so asked her to leave.

Check out
 ''Freedom is always and exclusively freedom for the one
                    who thinks differently.''

                    Rosa LuxemburgIf you agree to the above, if you do care for 
freedom, the Tasleema issue would be
much more relevant to you than the Hussein issue, as the odds against which she
is fighting are much more than the odds against which Hussein is fighting. 
Tasleem is already thrown out of her own country. And here was a second country
India from which she was being thrown out. 

Some secularists may have spoken for her, but as far as I remember, the day she
was hounded in Hyderabad, no one spoke in her defense. Is literature not a 
endeavour ? Your excuse about media not giving importance because Tasleema
is not an artist is a lame excuse.


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