Sign the Petition requesting The Honble Minister of State for Environment
     and Forests (I/C) to maintain the moratorium on issuing further
         environmental clearances for mining activities in Goa


Jim Fernandes <amigo...@att.net> wrote:

[1] I could live without insurance and pocket the money, but that
would mean, I'd become another of those nephews that Ms Viviana Coelho
was talking about :(  .
[2] The insurance cost that I stated previously, is a TYPICAL
insurance cost for a family of four in the US. New York being a little
more expensive, might have a small markup to cover the extra cost of
[3] I strongly believe everyone should pay their fair share for
medical coverage - just like how we pay our taxes and just like how we
purchase auto insurance.
[4] We should also curb the abuses by the insurance carriers - and
chop their appetite for getting ultra rich on the backs of hard
working families.


I re-posted the above to emphasise the points made (very correctly) by Jim.

Both Viviana and Vivian are probably unaware.

I agree with much of what Marlon has written on the subject - in his
latest post. Part of the problem is that "Insurers' are actually
brokers who re and re and re-insure with Mega Insurers like (say)
Lloyds. It is a risk-spreading and money-creaming exercise.

If anything happens e.g. Hurricane, Earthquake ....All costs go up.
Every event is used by the 'greedy' (and the agents) to rake in some
more profits. These are the chaps that the Pubbies support.

On the Dem side is the huge bureaucracy, unions, trial lawyers who
also milk the system.

In the middle are the health-care professionals and patients.

Just in case there is a notion that only large families with many
medical problems have High Insurance premiums, here is an exchange
between a client (party of 2) who has never claimed (and hopes he
never has to) and the insurance representative:

Q: In a previous correspondence, I had asked about No Claim reductions
in premiums. You promised to check. Grateful for update

A:  I'm afraid that we do not give any reductions on renewal premiums
--sorry for any delay of the answer to your question.

good wishes


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