Sign the Petition requesting The Honble Minister of State for Environment
     and Forests (I/C) to maintain the moratorium on issuing further
         environmental clearances for mining activities in Goa


[1] JC wrote: With specific reference to the Konkani Rosary / Ladainha
project, please advise me where I have claimed that I was " one of
those who ORIGINALLY thought of of the project and was ASSOCIATED with
some members of the Toronto group,"

AND added that " There is a striking difference between discussing a
project for SOME TIME and being one of those who ORIGINALLY thought of
the project.

[2] Sebastian Borges <s_m_bor...@yahoo.com> wrote: My dear Doutor,   I
do realise now that there is a gulf of a difference berween "ORIGINAL
ASSOCIATION with" and "INITIAL PLANNING of' a project. Muitissimo



Dear Prof Borges,

It is possible that some time during your formation process(perhaps,
in the seminary), you came across and later  taught / preached the
following: Thou Shalt Not bear False Witness.

However, just from me a  Romi for Romi Konkani chap, please accept
this Thank You for doing what an unscrupulous politician would do best
i.e. cleverly juxta-position and realign words in order to twist the
meaning of the original sentence altogether. Perhaps, that is the
advantage that Devanagri has over Romi.

de nada !

You may have the final word ONLY if you do NOT bear False and Crooked
witness again.

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