dear Samir,
I do believe in copyright but I don't believe that JoeGoaUk used the internet 
for "commercial purposes' and made money off his postings. I also think we have 
to view this in light of the service that JoeGoaUk does provide, the video 
documenting and photographs he disseminates without any charge. Herald has 
often used his photographs without even given him credit for it, and he has not 
made a hue and cry about it. He has provided his services free of cost when 
Rajan Parrikar needed documentary evidence of vagrancy around Panjim. To hang 
him out to dry now, is not being a good Goan. If tiatrists are being affected 
by his posting of their artistic imput then a simple private warning would have 
sufficed. Afterall, he is available on email even if he is an unknown entity.



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