
While we appreciate your contribution towards educating people on Panchayati 
Raj and the importance of a vibrant and dynamic local self government, we 
cannot understand why you keep endeavouring to sabotage the efforts of other 
Goans who are trying their in their own little way, with the meagre resources 
at their command to salvage the little that is left of this beleagured little 

Please understand that so called success or failure is not in our hands. All we 
can do is fight the good fight sincerely, the best way we know, and trust in 
God to do the rest. Do not take upon yourself the role of sitting in judgement 
upon others. Yes, we picked berries at Blueberry Hill and went on to pick 
lathis and fists at Porvorim Hill, which is more that you did cosily ensconced 
in front of your computer.

If you have any better ideas, please come out with them. If not, shut up once 
and for all and let us go about our business for Goa and Goans without the 
additional worry of saboteurs from our very own community who profess to love 

Diana Pinto

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