Naxalism and Goa

Sandesh Prabhudesai

Mr Prime Minister has indirectly admitted that poverty is the cause of
rising Naxalism. The developmental schemes are not reaching them, due
to corruption, leakages and lack of transparency. He also suggests
indirectly that only realistic pro-people governance can neutralise
rising Naxalism, and not mere gun force.

The deadly word Naxalite is once again in the news, after one
Orissa-based 25-year old Shambhu Deck, belonging to an outfit Maowadi
Trishul Manch, was arrested in Goa last week.

He was found moving among the Orissa-based workers working in
different factories here. The tip off came from the Orissa police. Goa
police nabbed him, along with his accomplice Rajendra.

Police also rounded up hundreds of other workers, but later released
them. The information we got from the police sources was that
Shambhu's Naxalite outfit is working among the Adivasis in Sundergarh
district of Orissa. The main issue they had taken up was increasing
alcoholism among the tribals. To end it, they had taken an extreme
step of killing one such liquor supplier.

Orissa's Naxalite movement is not a new phenomenon. In fact it took me
back to the famous Marathi play, written by Anil Barve in 1975 -
"Thank You Mr Glad". Based on a life of then doctor-turned-Naxalite
Nagbhushan Patnaik, the play had glorified Veerbhushan Patnaik, the
Naxalite in the play. The play had made waves in Marathi and Gujarati

Sundergarh is one of the Naxalite-infected 30 tribal districts of
Orissa. It's on a border of both Jharkhand and Chhattisgarh. The
plight of tribals, peasants and landless labourers has resulted into
left extremists gaining ground in these areas.

There are many outfits working in these areas. I tried to search for
Maowadi Trishul Manch. The Google search is full with only one news -
MTM leader Shambhu Beck arrested in Goa. I went through some research
articles on Naxalite movement in Orissa. It lists out many
Marxist-Leninist groups (called Naxalite since ‘70s and Maoists
nowadays). But no mention of MTM...

But our local media speculated a lot. The prime speculation among
these was whether Naxalite movement has some roots in Goa. Even our
state chief secretary has asked the police to investigate into this
angle. The investigation is fine. It is a must. But simply jumping to
a conclusion that Naxalism has started taking roots in Goa appears

Naxalite movement cannot be equated to the movements of religious
fanatics or terrorist outfits, just because all three believe in
violence.  That does not mean violence by Naxalites is justified and
by others is unjustified. Any violence is unjustified, including the

But Naxalite movement has always grown with middle class leftist
intellectuals identifying themselves with the poor, downtrodden,
neglected and exploited - may it be peasants, workers, landless
labourers, tribals etc. It grows in underdeveloped areas, where the
locals are exploited beyond imagination. The struggle between ‘Haves'
and ‘Have-Nots' thus takes a violent turn with armies of both the
camps battling with each other. It literally becomes an internal
battlefield... with killings and blood all over...

This is not a sheer imagination of mine. Even Prime Minister Manmohan
Singh admits it. Let's read the following quotes of the PM, who made a
speech last month on Civil Services Day function in the national

Underscoring the fact that Left-wing extremism was flourishing in
under-developed areas of the country, Manmohan Singh asked the civil
servants to ensure that no area of the country is denied the benefits
of the government's developmental programs.

"But we cannot overlook the fact that many areas in which such
extremism flourishes are under-developed and many of the people,
mainly poor tribals, who live in these areas have not shared equitably
in the fruits of development."

"It is incumbent upon us to ensure that no area of our country is
denied the benefits of our ambitious developmental programs," the
Prime Minister said.

He asked them to devise innovative ways and means to harness the tools
of information technology and to involve the intended beneficiaries in
implementation so that complaints of leakages, corruption and lack of
transparency get addressed.

Manmohan Singh said that inclusive growth was the centrepiece of the
developmental agenda of the UPA and fast economic growth provided the
government with the resources to address the problems of poverty,
ignorance and disease.

The issues and problems highlighted by our prime minister, in this speech, are:

1.    Many areas are still underdeveloped
2.    These areas are denied benefits of government's developmental programme
3.    People in these areas, mainly poor tribals, have not shared
equitably in the fruits of development
4.    Benefits don't reach the people due to leakages, corruption and
lack of transparency
5.    Thus exists there poverty, ignorance and disease

Mr Singh is not the first prime minister to say this. Even BJP's
former prime minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee had spoken on the same
lines. Former union home minister L K Advani had also echoed similar
sentiments. N T Rama Rao, founder of the Telugu Desam Party and
ex-chief minister of Andhra Pradesh, was voted to power for the first
time with a slogan - Naxalites are Patriots.

Nobody wants Naxalism to rise in our country. Nobody wants an internal
armed battle, threatening our internal security. Nobody wants Indians
fighting with each other and killing each other. Nobody wants HATE to
dominate the socio-economic scenario of our country. But still,
Naxalism is rising day by day...

If we go by what our PM says, it's rising because underdevelopment
continues and may be even rising in the rural and tribal areas. India
is marching towards becoming a superpower; but only with cities and
towns getting developed. Contrary to this, rural economy is going from
bad to worse.

Mr Singh has indirectly admitted that poverty is the cause of rising
Naxalism. The developmental schemes are not reaching them, due to
corruption, leakages and lack of transparency. He also suggests
indirectly that only realistic pro-people governance can neutralise
rising Naxalism, and not mere gun force.

Who are thus responsible for increasing Naxalism in the country? The
powerful, the corrupt and the unruly rulers. If the root cause is
eliminated, the Naxalites won't have support of the people. And if
people don't support them, they just can't exist.

In this background, we may analyse whether Naxalism can take roots in
Goa. The ideological movement obviously does not exist here. There are
no signs absolutely of any section of intelligentsia going towards
extreme left.
But does the socio-economic situation exist? If not, have we started
creating such a situation? Is Goa progressing or regressing? Is it
going from bad to worse? Or bad to good?

The word Naxalite came into existence from a village called Naxalbari
in Darjeeling district. The peasants rose violently in May 1967 and
killed one landlord. Few years ago, we witnessed one such incident in
Saleli village of Sattari taluka. The public sympathy, after this
incident, went to the people and not the landlord. Even the state
governor went and met the fighting villagers.

Such incidents should not recur. Such situation should not exist. Such
conditions should not be created. Such violent uprisings should never
take place. Naxalism should not take roots in Goa.

But, to avoid it, we should do what our PM has said. Not mere
speculations and blind crackdowns. What we need is practical POSITIVE
action of development of ALL the people.

Are we doing it?

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