Nandu, I'm not sure conspiracy theories can explain the growing
concern over mining in Goa today. To my mind, this concern is probably
linked to two recent events (i) the shrinking grasp of the mining
lobby on the print media in Goa (though it is growing in the
audio-visual media) (ii) the spurt in Chinese purchases from Goa
reflecting their ore-hunger.

For instance, the five-kilometre-long mining truck traffic jams in
interior Goa that Pandu Lampiao spoke about (and I saw too) were
probably never witnessed in the past. I can't imagine how this can
continue without affecting a whole lot of people rather adversely. FN

Frederick Noronha

On 22 June 2010 16:39, Dr.Nandkumar Kamat <> wrote
> The geopolitical and geoeconomic duplicity digest-II
> Previous part contained examples of Canadian mining pollution and
> suppression of data on their toxic waste from the people and Canadian NGOs
> Canada has long term plans to take over mines in India through its’ powerful
> MNCs and the grounds are being prepared slowly….
> An ambitious agenda has been drawn…
> The Canadian crown corporation IDRC promotes Canadian mining interests
> It supported a study in Nilgiris
> It funded a TERI project on Goa’s mines
> It is a major donor to PANOS
> But those who take support from IDRC and Canada had been and continue to be
> strangely silent on the havoc caused by Canadian mining in resource rich
> poor countries….

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