I need the Goanetters responses , need specific answers , not evasive
1. Is suffering of mining affected people in the mining belt of Goa a human
rights violations issue?
2. if not can it be made a human rights issue?
3. If not, then the reasons thereof?
4. if yes, then whether it can be addressed by statutory state human rights
5. if answer is  affirmative, an unequivocal YES  to 1, 2, 4   then what has
been done in this regard by anti mining activists? What are the constraints
in taking it as a human rights violation issue?Are anti mining activists
interested in agitating for a state human rights commission
In your participation in answering the above lies the beginning of a
democratic and peaceful constitutional path to provide social and ecological
justice to mining affected people of Goa with or without open, unequivocal
understanding, unity, solidarity by mining trade ( including barge, trucks)
unions and their leaders.

-'mining agent'
Dr. Nandkumar Kamat, GOA

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