Talking Photo: Another unreported Incident? – 
Ferryboat Accident Victim
This accident took place on Friday the  9th July 2010 at 8.15pm
while disembarking Ferryboat at Panjim Jetty.
According to the victim (Aged around 25).
As he has stepped out of the ferryboat ramp, and in order to give way to 
the oncoming crowd of commuters, he stopped for a moment,  the ferryboat’s 
heavy ramp suddenly came on to his feet/leg (Trapped) 
 throwing him on the ground in a pool of blood. 
Ferry boat quickly reversed.
Called 108 ambulance at around 8.30pm.  It arrived around 9pm 
but took another road accident victim (which occurred just before 9pm, 
on the road opp jetty) mistaking it was called for this one.

Waited till 9.45pm for another ambulance to take him to GMC.
Police also came at GMC to make report.
Numerous stitches plus laid some metal plates/bars.
Whole leg is injured and now using crutches as seen in the pic.
Spent 3 days in hospital
Can’t walk, can’t work, no money coming in.
Loss of Income (daily wages)
No compensation paid.
What more?
He just lost his mother some 7 days ago.
The Ferryboat Accident Victim
Also, understand that there are several such ferryboat  incidents 
go unreported.
Who is to blame for such accidents?
Ferryboats or its crew?
The oncoming unruly commuters including two wheelers?
The authority who fails to put a system in place such as safety 
and precautionary measures?
If one sees the pathetic situation at the jetty when the ferryboat arrives 
will know what exactly it means.
Check this Clips

Dangerous Ferry pics 

for Goa & NRI related info... 

For Goan Video Clips 

In Goa, Dial  1 0 8 
For Hospital, Police, Fire etc

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