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From:  <milap_chora...@yahoo.com>
Date: 21 July 2010 17:59

Times of India:-
'BJP MP behind whistleblower's murder'
AGENCIES, Jul 21, 2010, 01.07pm IST

AHMEDABAD: A day after RTI activist Amit Jethwa was shot dead outside
the Gujarat High Court in Ahmedabad after filing a recent PIL against
illegal mining, the family of Amit Jethwa alleged that a BJP MP was
behind his murder.
Jethwa's family on Wednesday alleged foul play saying that BJP MP from
Junagadh -- Dinu Solanki was behind the murder.

Bhiku Jethwa, Amit's father s id, "I strongly suspect that Dinu
Solanki is behind my son's murder. Because he has  threatened me on
telephone. He also threatened Amit many times. Amit was threatened in
Kodinar and Khamba towns in
front of large crowds, a thousand strong. But nobody dared to report
the matter."

Amit Jethwa was killed by 2 unidentified assailants on a motorcycle as
he was coming out of the court. Police say the assailants ran away
from the spot after shooting Jethwa.

He had recently filed a PIL in the Gujarat High Court against illegal
mining in Gir forest. Following his PIL, the authorities had cracked
down on the illegal mining activities in Gir forest and other areas on
the Saurashtra coast.
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