Indian media reveal details of British submarine operations Defence chiefs
were furious after the Indian authorities disclosed that Royal Navy
submarines were taking part in secret naval war games off the coast of Goa.

By Rosa Prince <>,
Political Correspondent in Bangalore
Published: 2:13PM BST 28 Jul 2010
   [image: David Cameron talks with the Governor of Karnataka Dr Hans Raj
Bharadwaj in Bangalore]
David Cameron talks with the Governor of Karnataka Dr Hans Raj Bharadwaj in
Bangalore Photo: GETTY IMAGES

The whereabouts of British warships is usually kept a closely-guarded
secret, with Ministry of Defence officials refusing to confirm even which
ocean a particular vessel is operating in.

But hours before the games began, the Times of India published full details
of the exercise, in which the "hunter-killer" Trafalgar Class HMS Talent was
tasked with tracking down the Indian sub INS Shankush.

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  In a further breach of security, the newspaper even named the commander of
the UK task group, Commodore James Morse, who headed a nine-member British
Navy team which took on an 11-man contingent from India under the leadership
of the commander of the INS Talwar, Captain M A Hampiholi.

The exercise came mid-way through a three-day trade mission by David Cameron
and a delegation of business leaders and chief executives.

Downing Street was irritated that news of Mr Cameron's visit was reported in
the Indian press more than a week before his arrival.

There is usually a news blackout on the Prime Minister's foreign travel
arrangements until he arrives in a country, and the rule is particularly
scrupulously observed for trips in areas where terrorism is an issue.

The war games are also likely to alarm Pakistan, India's great regional
rival who Mr Cameron accused of "promoting terror".

Pakistanis were also alarmed at a pds700 deal signed during the visit,
between British companies Rolls Royce and BAR to supply 57 Hawk trainer
aircraft to India, which will create 200 new jobs in the United Kingdom.

Mr Cameron said: "This is an outstanding example of India-UK defence and
industrial partnership, and this agreement will bring significant economic
benefits to both our countries."

The Government has also lifted a ban on the export of nuclear technology and
exponents, despite India's failure to sign up to a non-proliferation treaty.


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