To Goanet -

>COMMENT: Easily said than done; 

Even easier is to write "Easily said than done."  This can
be said of virtually anything.

>Just imagine 20 years ago, you having a fling 
>with a bad, hot white woman in the Southern States - would you have told a 
>lynching mob where to go?  

As someone who did live in the Deep South of the United States 
20 years ago, your remarks have no resemblance to the then prevailing
racial climate.  By the way, there did exist good, cold white women as well.

At any rate, you have got to be crazy equating the atmosphere that once 
defined the American South to the current time in Goa.  This is in the
category of "not even wrong" so I will not expend any energy pointing
out the error in your thinking.

>On another point, I do agree with respecting the 
>sentiments of the majority; after all, those of who are here protesting, do 

What if someone does not want to "respect the sentiments" of
the majority as perceived by a minority section of that majority?  
In a free democratic society, that ought to be allowed.
Which is exactly the point of this discussion.  Why don't you reflect
on this for a minute before looking so silly on a public forum?



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