There is a vast difference between material and spiritual progress. I see today 
on TV an adivasi family whose son is forced to steal food grains because his 
old parents and family who are illiterate just cannot get jobs and are 
starving!.They never heard of right to 100 days labour and the old man says 
with tears his son is not a criminal. I also saw on TV before I went to the 
flag hoisting ceremony in our colony,a senior milk federation bureaucrat  
caught with crores of cash stacked in 4( full to the brim )lockers! Surely he 
could not accumulate all this alone without others involved! This is shameful 
.The crores of wasteful expenditure by our Netas is disgraceful and our feting 
of these unworthies condemnable.None of them indicted is ever in jail or even 
that preventing them from calling the shots!
It is reported that when asked about corrupt practises, MLAs state they are 
only following traditions! They mean corrupt precedents and so continuous 
scams  go on unnoticed/accepted as "we are like that only".So we have 
politicians sponsoring applicants for jobs, cash for jobs and votes; 
distributing money and favours to loyal or potential voters so they come across 
as philanthropically caring  people who can give ration cards and subsidised 
food grains to their aam admi! Giving such  out of turn inducements is not 
considered as corruption and such bribery is rampant! 
The enormous damage to the nation by pushing merit into the background and 
filling jobs with mediocre people is now there for all to see in the 
inefficiency of every government department with the nations pride at stake in 
the CWG games . Vande Mataram and  Rammi Yum Yum , let us hope on this 64th 
Independence Day, and THEREAFTER, its time for India!

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