Albert writes:- If only we had understood the meaning of God and His 
commandments, His power, His love we would not have our life like we do today. 
In today's life we find external drama but internally there is a vaccum because 
God does not live within us. Hatred has replaced love. The first commandment 
which orders us to serve only the true God has been replaced with false gods. 
Do we have peace within us ? No never without Christ. Just look at one another 
when you enter the church. Gloom has descended on us. We are totally strangers 
to one another. Even at the time of offering what is called peace we gracefully 
behave as enemies or totally strangers. We like to point a finger at others. 
Many times the ministers and MLAS are our target. We feel hurt because 
catholics are shown as drunkards. We cry heaven to earth when we see a cross 
broken but if one had to see that same cross before someone broke it one would 
see the cross looking shabby without any colour. No one has even time to honour 
that cross .Why do you cry from roof tops and from mountain cliffs because it 
is broken ? we see crosses solemnly erected along the road side which are gone 
black after the rains. No one honours those crosses nor light a candle. why 
make a big show ? Heart of heart we have no reverence to God. We pray to Mary 
mother of Jesus not out of love for her but what will neighbours feel I have 
joined the believers if I do not attend the novenas. For us novena of our lady 
is just another ritual. Pray the rosary with the lips keeping the heart else 
where. At home one finds people making a big show with the rosary. some will 
use it like a necklace while others will throw it all around the house. We do 
not know the value of the Bible. Many of us do not posses a bible and many of 
them have never opened a bible. Are you a christian then !I doubt. Christianity 
was never founded. It came down from heaven through christ. Roman Catholics 
cannot call themselves as Christians. Their mode of prayer, their mode of 
living, their mode of self is not that of Christ. Christ just preached one 
thing. Love God with your whole heart and above all things and love your 
neighbour as Jesus has loved us. Mary did the same. She did God's plan and she 
had concern for others. Those who shout "Ave Maria" from the roof tops are 
liars if they do not have concern for others. Take a blank page and write if 
your history and find out if you are follower of Christ or even follower of 

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