It is an entirely wonderful thing that George found this fabulous site for this 
We will be collecting signatures for all of the rest of the year 2010 and 
throughout 2011 to honor Blessed Joseph Vaz' 300th death anniversary.
We hope that everyone will succeed in getting at least 10 signatures each. 
 Please try. 
Please also contact Mangalorean and Sri Lankan friends and send them the 
Petition site.

From our website,

The Work Of Blessed Joseph Vaz
His missionary work was not colonial, not helped, authorized, associated with 
colonial conquest.
He gained the protection of the Buddhist, non-Christian King of Kandy, Sri 
He used Inculturation as a missionary method. He founded a Catholic 
and literature using the two languages and cultures of Sri Lanka, Tamil and 
He educated his servant John Vaz, a member of the Indigenous tribe of 
Kunbis, and sent him back to Goa with a letter of recommendation to the 
priesthood.The Portuguese Church Councils had reserved the priesthood for the 
two higher castes.
He founded the miraculous Shrine of Our Lady of Madhu It was crowned in 1924 
is one of the five officially crowned Marian Shrines of the Church, along with 
Czestova, Lourdes, Fatima, and Guadalupe.
He is the first non-European native in modern times to found a Mission and 
Church in a “Third World” country; to found a fully native Catholic Religious 
Congregation; and to be given the official title of “Apostle” (of Kanara and 
Lanka) by the Church, for his work in rescuing the Church there. His Indian 
Oratorian Mission is the only fully native, non-European Catholic Mission of 
colonial era.
The Church he re‑founded in Sri Lanka was persecuted and survived isolation 
Rome for 140 years.

----- Original Message ----
From: George Pinto <>
To: Goanet <>
Sent: Mon, August 16, 2010 9:43:26 AM
Subject: Goan saint: Your help is urgently needed

Extraordinary. In a few hours nearly a hundred signatures! But we need more. It 
would be nice to have 500 signatures to be presented to the Pope. Goans have to 
help themselves, we have to take the lead. Thanks to all who have signed so far.

Be a part of history. Don't miss this opportunity to help a Goan saint achieve 
his rightful honour after 300 long years. If Blessed Vaz is canonized a saint 
will be due to people like you who helped his cause. 

Please sign your First AND Last name to the petition.

The 300th anniversary of the death of Blessed Joseph Vaz (born Goa, India) is 
fast approaching on January 16, 2011. Our Joseph Naik Vaz Institute has worked 
to publicize his life and Cause since 1980, when we incorporated in California 
as a 501(c)(3) in the State  of California.  We ask for your support of our new 
Petition to the Pope, His Holiness Benedict XVI, asking that Blessed Joseph Vaz 
be canonized for the 300th anniversary of his death.

Canonizations are in part a result of an outpouring of support from ordinary 
people. The Pope can grant the exception to the miracle for the case of a 
if enough people show that we care. Your signature to this Petition will help 
send the people's support to the Pope for Blessed Vaz' long delayed and just 
canonization. Together we can make this canonization happen.

Please sign your First AND Last name to the petition.

300 years is a long wait for a Catholic Saint and Blessed Vaz could be on the 
verge of being canonized with your support. Please sign the petition and 
to your family and friends to sign. All welcome to sign (i.e. you do not have 
be Catholic).

Please sign your First AND Last name to the petition.


Filomena Saraswati Giese and George Pinto
Joseph Naik Vaz Institute

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