For those who doubt the existence of God or happening of miracles, here is
some food for thought.:-

Mother’s hugs brings dead son back to life

For two hours after he was declared dead, Australian mother Kate Ogg hugged,
touched and spoke to her stillborn baby, who miraculously opened his eyes
and grabbed his mom’s finger.

For two hours, a grieving mum cradled the apparently lifeless body of her
newborn son – and all her caresses and whispered words were rewarded when
the baby suddenly began to move.

Top: Kate and David break down after being told their son (circled) did not
survive; a smiling Kate holds her son Jamie after he starts breathing and
doctors say he’ll live

Born prematurely at 27 weeks and weighing just one kilo, doctors said Jamie
Ogg had no chance of survival. Unlike his twin sister Emily, he was not
breathing and after 20 minutes of trying to resuscitate him, Jamie was
declared dead.

His limp little body was handed to his mum Kate and dad David so they could
grieve and say their goodbyes to him in private.

But after two hours of being spoken to, touched and cuddled, he began
showing signs of life. And after being given breast milk on Kate’s finger,
he began breathing regularly.

The delighted mum said on Thursday: “He’s a little fighter, as is his
sister, and they are both doing amazingly well.”

She added: “I took my gown off and arranged Jamie on my chest and just held
him. He wasn’t moving at all and we just started talking to him. We told him
what his name was and that he had a sister. We told him things we wanted to
do with him. Then, I felt him move as if he were startled. He started
gasping more regularly.”

Kate said, “I thought, ‘Oh my God, what’s going on?’ A short time later he
opened his eyes. It was a miracle. Then he held out his hand and grabbed my
finger.” Kate said they got a message to their doctor, insisting Jamie was
showing signs of life, but he sent back a midwife who told them these
movements were natural reflexes and that there was no way Jamie could still
be alive.

But Kate and David, who live in Sydney, refused to give up on their baby
boy. She recalled: “I said to my husband, ‘What if he lives? We could be the
luckiest parents in the world’.

Kate added, “I gave Jamie some breast milk on my finger, he took it and
started regular breathing. At that point the doctor came back, got a
stethoscope, listened to Jamie’s chest and just kept shaking his head. He
said, ‘I don’t believe it, I don’t believe it.’”

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Now available in Toronto, a few copies of *Into The Diaspora Wilderness* by 
Selma Carvalho. Contact Bosco D'Mello (416) 803-7264

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