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I second what Vivian has said below. 

People should 'READ' thru their document and Visa' with clarity before 
travelling and then trying to blame others. The OCI document clearly states 
what it is all about and the need for having the OCI Visa on the passport as 
well as the OCI booklet with you when travelling to India. Full Stop.

 I myself had explained thus, in detail on OCI earlier on goanet, as I am a 
holder of OCI and with it has travelled to India more than once, and had No 

Nascimento Caldeira.

--- On Sun, 19/9/10, Vivian A. DSouza <socorro...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> Despite the title, nobody has been able to decisively tell
> us what the horror of 
> so-called dual citizenship is.  One individual forgot to
> carry his old US 
> passport wherein the offical OCI sticker was attached, and
> was quite correctly 
> pulled up by the Immigration authorities.  His
> fault !  Other than that I have not read about anyone else
> having a problem.  
> Yet this thread has taken on a life of its own.  The OCI
> document is a godsend 
> to those of us who have taken foreign citizenship.  It
> recognizes that we still 
> have ties to our motherland and allows us hassle free entry
> into India.  Kudos 
> to the Indian Government for giving us this special
> privilege.


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