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--- On Sat, 9/18/10, Dr. Ferdinando dos Reis Falcão 
> May I know under which branch of Science is ‘Life’
> explained and where? I would very much love to have this
> knowledge.

Life as a natural phenomenon is explained by a science called Biology. Over the 
last 70 years or so all of the following questions regarding the natural 
processes that constitute life, and that distinguish living organisms from 
non-living matter have been substantially answered:

1. What is the chemical composition of a living cell?
2. How do these chemicals interact within the living cell to keep it alive?
3. What physical and chemical processes underlie the functioning of a living 
4. How are the chemicals responsible for all the natural processes that sustain 
living cells within living organisms synthesized, broken down and replenished?
5. How is energy harnessed, stored and utilized for sustaining living processes?
6. What chemical mechanisms determine the structure and function of living 
cells and organisms, and how?
7. What are the molecular chemical bases of growth, reproduction and heredity?
8. What chemical and physical mechanisms account for the emergence of 
complexity and diversity of living organisms?
9. What is the molecular chemical and physical basis of movement?
10. What are the chemical and physical bases of sensory, perceptual and mental 

Please let me know if you need further information on the advances that 
Biology, the science of life, has made in explaining life as a natural 
phenomenon in the 20th and 21st centuries. I can recommend some very good books 
and review articles on this subject.



--- On Sat, 9/18/10, Dr. Ferdinando dos Reis Falcão 
> Physics, Maths, Cemistry
> & Biology. Life cannot be explained in any way by any
> one of these.           
> Natural phenomenon like lightning, rain, earthquakes,
> etc. are explained through Physics. Hallucinations &
> delusions, growth,
> cancer, etc., are explained through Chemistry. Infections
> and some cancers are
> explained through Biology.       
> May I know under which branch of Science is ‘Life’
> explained and where? I would very much love to have this
> knowledge.
> Dr. Ferdinando dos Reis Falcão.


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