Hi Tony, Gabe, Elsie, both the Mervyns and also Vivian !

I was a mere 7 year old in my home town -Iringa in southern Tanzania
when  West of Zanzibar hit the pop charts. (I had'nt gone to   school as in our
family, all the siblings were given our foundation till age eight by our mum).

But by sheer coincidence ,  my dad  went to Dar es Salaam - the capital
to buy a new record player - a RadioGram that embraced a radio and player
for playing gramophone records- the 78s, 45s (EPs) and 33 speeds (long playing)-
all obsolete technology , but now-  very antique stuff. (we had no record store 
in Iringa).

He bought it  at Souza Junior Dias and as usual on every trip to Dar, he
buys about 20 records which included the song.  (Souza Junior had a branch
in Mombasa). 

So Tony, asante sana for  taking us down memory lane. BTW, I tried to recollect
some of the lyrics and managed with a few lines of the middle stanza. 

In this context, I vividly remember Gabe having sent us  some fantastic numbers 
by trumpeter-
Eddie Calvert,  and some great oldies in Zambezi, Happy Happy Africa and
various versions of  "The Lion Sleeps Tonight" -originally by the Tokens.
So, I say to all to you goanetters, keep on "flowing" those good old songs
that never die. They sure "make our day".


Tony Barros.

Union Twnshp.
New Jersey, USA

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