To Goanet -

Two big positives out of the ruling.

One, no bloodshed (yet) - may it remain that way.

Two, schadenfreude from seeing Burqa begum, Rajdeep Khan et al

going sour that the Hindus' position about the temple being there has 
been (partially) vindicated.  According to Burqa, Rajdeep Khan,
and their Marxist cohort (Sachar, Dhawan, Bidwai, Teesta etc etc),
the Religion of Peace has never destroyed anything in India.  But,
you ask, what about all those thousands of Hindu temples 
powderized (about which the Muslims themselves boasted (after 
all, they were doing it for Allah)?.  Well, they magically collapsed 
on their own.  Perhaps Hindus did not understand civil engineering
well enough and used too much sand in their concrete.



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