
At the end of the following nooj-item, one finds the following sentence:

"who had allegedly molested a minor girl from the village"

Considering that this so-called "case" was splashed all over the World
Wide Web courtesy repeated posts on Goanet by Adv Aires Rodrigues, I
wonder whether this (quoted) sentence isn't blatantly prejudicial
against the individual concerned.

This is not the first time that the media-outlet has been less than
diligent in its story related to this matter.

I ask: Is this so-called 'case' before the courts at the present time?

If NOT, why is this allegation persisting?

I suggest that, at best, this biased (IMHO) news-outlet could have
written: "who was alleged by Adv. Aires Rodrigues to have molested a
minor girl from the village" ....and then gone on to state .....what
happened to that "case".

For someone (like yours truly) who works with abused children (albeit
voluntarily) this repeater gutter 'journalism is both disappointing
and disgusting. It is also counterproductive to the interests of the
children who are abused.

BTW: so is this Goa Children's Act

I hope we all (who live in and visit Goa) realise that as per this
Act,  anyone who dislikes another- can accuse that person of having
molested a child - AND the only way one can defend against this
allegation is to "prove that one did not do it".!

Oh yes, in the meantime, repeated articles will be written accusing a
person of a crime - without a single day in court ....Even 6 years or
60 years hence.

Brilliant, is it not?


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