Yesterday evening I went to a debate around Sebastian Nino-Becerra's
famous book about the coming end of capitalism ('The crash of 2010'(*). In
the panel sat the Dutch crypto journalist and highly succesful speculator
Willem Middelkoop who's recently made a killing with gold. He was the
first to confirm George Soros' pronouncement that gold was the ultimate
bubble, but that the question savy investors should ask is 'yes, but how
long can I ride on its wave?' So asking your spouse when to buy is smart 
- as long as the answer is "don't" ...

Mugabe's 'quantitative easing' was of a totally different nature, and has
precious little to do with the Fed's current 'QEII' ("All Aboard!" ;-).
His minion at the Central Bank (Gideon Gono) was simply running a huge
money siphoning business for the Mugabe clique.

But in the end, yes, I too believe we're heading for a monetary TEOTWAWKI.

Cheers, p+3D!

(*)  (among many others)

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