Dear Readers
Tomorrow on the 21st of October 2010 we mark the 7th death anniversary of the 
one and only Melody King of Goa - Alfred Rose. Although he is not with us 
today, his golden voice still remains on records, cassettes and CD's for 
generations to come.
Alfred Rose was known as "The Man with the Golden Voice" (courtesy His Master's 
Voice Recording Company). As a child when I watched the Tiatr's in Bombay, I 
can still remember the whistling & clapping when people saw him entering the 
stage. His voice echoed in my ears even after I returned home. Alfred Rose sang 
thousands of songs and unfortunately nobody has got an exact count. His songs 
are loved by thousands of fans who are not only in India but also worldwide. 
His songs always had a special message, be it a slow melody or a fast number. 
There have been many events organized in his memory such as musical shows & 
talent contests.  Tiatr Academy of Goa has sponsored a couple of Alfred Rose 
musical shows recently.
Last year on the occasion of his 6th death anniversary, I had made the website public. There have been more than 2000 hits so far 
and I have received a lot of emails from fans worldwide thanking me for the 
website. Unfortunately, the website did not get updated for almost 10 months 
due to time and certain technical limitations. However, this year on the 21st 
of October 2010, his fans will see a new face of the website. Photos that have 
never been seen before. From here on the website will be updated regularly. 
There will be videos and audio added soon too.
Thereafter, a Facebook group was created by one of his fans Augusto Lucas 
Morais and also administered by our very own Edward Verdes. There are 384 
members as of today including Engelbert Rose and Alria Rose.
I have been singing only Alfred Rose songs at events for which I have performed 
so far and many of those who hear me say that I sing / sound like him. I really 
appreciate the compliments but I only have to say that Alfred Rose will always 
remain the one and only Melody King of Goa.
Please join me in remembering Alfred Rose on his 7th death anniversary & please 
do not forget to visit on 21st October 2010 and experience 
the new face given to the website.

Best Wishes
Agnelo Fernandes

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