Dear Joe
Thanks for the unbiased reviews you have been posting regularly.
As a suggestion, I would request you to also post a copy of the tiatr flyer ( 
if any ) or dates and venues where our family or friends can watch the tiatrs 
in Goa. This way even the producers of the Tiatr will be happy with you that 
you are also advertising for them for free :) ( which you are doing anways but 
> Date: Thu, 28 Oct 2010 06:35:17 +0100
> From:
> To:
> Subject: [Goanet] Tiatr DON VANNTE could feature in top 3
> It was a suspense thriller indeed!
> In a posh bungalow there live a rich man Mr. Jack (Miguel Rosario),
> His son James (Creto D’Costa), House maid Rosy (Dorine Fernandes)
> and a house boy Hitler (Aldair Figueiredo)
> James neglected by parental love, a school drop out is a petty thief.
> A one man robber gang.  He is into fast money making  and be 
> as rich as his father (Lives with rich father though).
> He now joins a gang, who is the boss? No body knows.
> They only follow his instructions.
> In another household there live Mrs, Rita (Rita Fernandes)
> and her daughter Daisy (Valancia Nunes).
> Rita and Jack never get on well with each other.
> Rita comes to jack’s house every money to collect a sort of 
> fixed ‘hafta’.
> Yet there is another runaway little girl from his ‘Maxen’ aunty.
> She is Jane (Joylin Barbosa)  whose father was killed and since then 
> she was living with her aunt who maltreated her and never wants to go back.
> And there is  Mr. Jerry (Domnic Araujo) a family friend of both families. 
> A very influential person, even helped Daisy to get a decent job.
> As nothing come for free, Jerry wants some favours form Daisy
> in return.. he did not specify the type of favour he is after..
> James and daisy are good friends, just friends but 
> the father is not happy about their friendship and 
> tell him to stay away from her
> Wilson (Teotonio Pereira),  Jack’s friend  feel piety for this 
> child Jane and takes her to Jack’s place for a temporary shelter.
> When Jane sees James, she fainted and collapsed.
> Many questions needed answers such as..
> Why Jane fainted on seeing James?
> What James is into? Who is his boss?
> Why Rita and Jack don’t get on well?*
> Why Rita coming to Jack’s place every month?*
> The monthly hafta or the dole, what for?*
> Why the mother also not happy with James and Daisy friendship?*
> Who is this Uncle Jerry? Why he is poking his nose into
> the family affairs?
> What favours he was after from Daisy?
> Wilson is like a right hand of Mr. Jack but what business is
> Mr. Jack  into?
> Well, I am sure. by now,  you know the answers to above
> questions marked with asterisk (*) or atleast have a hunch
> All answers revealed  in the end.
> Hence it is a suspense thriller.
> These are the effects when a family is divided into two
> DON VANTTE a tiatr by Eusico Fernandes (Sao Minguel Club,
> Donapaula) was the 21st or the last entry in the 36th All Goa 
> Tiatr Competition by Kala Academy, Staged on 27th Oct. 2010
> Well, the tiatr was good, infact too good.
> Good stage setting with light house etc, good story, 
> good music, good songs etc could take this tiatr to top 3
> Well it all depends on these 3 judges.
> fr. Bernard Cotta, CD Silva, Vitorin Pereira
> KA Member sec. Pandurang also seen
> At least you know my verdict.
> The comedy by young Aldair Figueiredo (house boy) was good too
> Won’t surprise me if he gets an award for his comedy role.
> Creto, Rita, Miguel, Valancia, Joylin, Dorine also done very well.
> Songs were simply too good
> Songs by Agnelo Vaz (2),  Eugene Cardozo,  
> Yoing Clayton Mendes (2), Young Aldair Figueiredo, 
> Custodio Fernandes, Simon Fernandes etc  were simply 
> the best - see pics of all
> Besides, Little Joylin and Felix Barbosa, Eusico Fernandes (2), 
> Valancia Nunes (2), Teotonio Pereira (2), Creto D’Costa, 
> Leslie Pereira, Manuel Estrocio(2) were good too.
> JoeGoaUk’s top prize goes to the two duo singers dressed in
> Hindu suit/dhoti /umbrella  - Custodio and Simon
> Extra:
> It did appear that one person  had FD problem twice.
> OK some stage pics 
> At the lighthouse
> Father-Son
> son with maid Rosy 
> Maid and the houseboy
> Smart little Joylin
> With Teotonio Pereira
> with maid
> Mother daughter, uncle
> On a Sofa
> United – Father-Mother-Son-daughter
> Agnelo Vaz
> Leslie Pereira
> School students
> Eugene Cardozo
> Smart little Clayton Mendes
> Manuel Estrocio
> Two smart ‘Konknne’
> Smart little Aldair Figueiredo
> Playwright Eusico Fernandes
> Note: If you think you know or  have a hunch on rest  of the answers, 
> please write back and you will get the right answers in return
> for Goa & NRI related info... 
> For Goan Video Clips 
> In Goa, Dial  1 0 8 
> For Hospital, Police, Fire etc

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