Which are the Goan war veterans, the freedom fighters? These chaps were and are 
till today playing pocket billiards. Which war did they fight?


Goan war veterans prepare to take on Portuguese celebration of colonialism
By Mayabhushan Nagvenkar (CP) – 1 day ago
PANAJI, India — The Portuguese have come back to Goa, and the men who fought to 
drive them out of this former colony nearly five decades ago are mobilizing 
again to stop them.
The flashpoint for this admittedly less violent conflict is the celebration of 
500 years of Portuguese influence over Goa, now a state in western India.
"How can anyone celebrate the arrival of oppressors?" asked Nagesh Karmali, a 
poet and spokesman for the Freedom Fighters Association of Goa, who still limps 
from injuries suffered from torture in a Portuguese-run prison five decades 
"Freedom fighters have shed our blood to oust the Portuguese from Goa."


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