Albert writes:- God lives in You for you are a special person before God. When 
you were in the womb of your mother God knew you and had written a history for 
you.That was God's plan. Today human beings have tendancy to draw up their own 
plan and when it does not match with God's plan you tend to get frustrated and 
curse God for sending you sufferings and misfortunes. We do not need structural 
church to serve God. We do not need great leaders to help us in salvation. we 
ought to be  for able to live with God and the blessings will give us entry 
into heaven. Today most of us have wrong notion of our religion. Will our 
religion bring salvation to us ? To get salvation we need Jesus for Jesus alone 
has given us assurance that if any one wants to reach to the Father they have 
to first reach to him. Inspite of this sound assurance many of us tend to make 
mistakes and write their own hypothesis. We are fooled into a belief that is 
not true . how can human being give such a assurance of something that he has 
not seen before ? How can we talk about the kingdom of God when we have never 
seen God on this earth and we will never see him with our mortal eyes ? How can 
we stand up and talk something that is not been revealed to us by the Father ? 
Does anyone realise the punishment we may receive for this ?What is the use if 
we gain the whole world, have lot of money in our bank and we have received all 
the earthly honours and in the end we just dissappear into the fires of hell ? 
Jesus has spoken of heaven and of hell. He has told us clearly who can enter 
into the kingdom of heaven. He has told us who is the  owner of hell. Our egos 
have drowned us into the reality of life. Our greed has made us a drunkard. Our 
plans to reach the space of the stars have made us what God had not planned and 
so the hair of your head will not move without the will of God. Let us make 
this body of us a temple of the living God. let us embrace God and let us 
praise and worship him. We cannot see God and we cannot see Jesus unless we 
allow him to be born in the stable of our heart so let us clean our self form 
greed, egoism, pride, filty thoughts and deeds etc.                             

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