To Goanet -

I am delighted to note that Rajiv Malhotra has given Selma Carvalho a
bout of indigestion.  As it has to a lot of bigots and other bearing an animus 
towards Hindus speaking out for their own tradition and questioning its 
portrayal.  Indeed, for almost a decade now, Rajiv has caused much 
distress to the likes of Wendy Doniger and her academic cabal (one that 
includes Indian Marxists settled in comfortable capitalist America).
It is possible to disagree with Malhotra without calling him names
or casting aspersions on his motives.  But for that you need intelligence
and knowledge to make your points, neither of which is evident in
the likes of Selma Carvalho.

Mirabile dictu, despite all attempts by the white establishment types
and their brown sepoys to smear him with the usual slurs (Hindutva, RSS,
BJP etc etc), Malhotra has made enormous progress.  To cite but one instance - 
as a result of the efforts of Malhotra and his associates, Microsoft deleted 
the entry on Hinduism written by Doniger in their online encyclopaedia and 
replaced it with one written by Sankrant Sanu.  Today, Rajiv's initiatives 
have inspired so many other Hindus to become active in their communities.  
Here in Silicon Valley & elsewhere, those efforts have borne fruit in the 
form of revised curricula in schools in matters of teaching the Hindu tradition.

Malhotra and his associates were also instrumental in exposing academic
poseurs like Jeffrey Kirpal (who claimed that Sri Ramakrishna was homosexual)
and Paul Courtright (of the "Ganesh trunk is a phallus" fame).  That caused such
consternation among the entrenched white fogeys that they turned what was 
once a public academic list RISA into a private one.  This was almost a decade 
ago, one of the many laughable early attempts at shutting doors on the internet.

It gives me great pleasure that Selma Carvalho (of the "generation of
Hindus are brought up in Goa to hate Catholics" fame, and the
repairer of democracy in Goa from behind her gated - or not, if
you ask Cornel - community) has taken a fancy to Malhotra.  I am
happy to add to her education.  Live and learn!

Most of what Rajiv has written is available at his own website.  It is 
irony that Malhotra has turned the methods of the Westerner back on themselves.

Many of the essays on his website were first published almost a decade
ago on Sulekha and in other web outlets.  Key highlights include -

Wendy's Child Syndrome -

Washington Post and Hinduphobia -

Is there an American Caste System> -

Geopolitics and Sanskrit Phobia -


r - I'll be baaaack!

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