Very pertinent point JC about memory and loss, and perhaps one of the best
posts I remember seeing on GN. I do not believe we as a people are inclined
towards memory, nor self-reflection. However we do know how to memorize, the
methodologies involved including via rote towards knowledge absorption and
certainly regurgitation, But the corridors for such applications are narrow,
and I digress. Memory is not about holding nor withholding, but about
allowing oneself to evolve as I can see you certainly know -- to evolve, by
carrying things that can be carried within oneself amidst changes that one
cannot always stem, yet fighting for those like space, monuments, etc;
standing ones ground on ways of living, sharing, cultural ways, language --
its wanton dilution etc. To never let certain things be taken away without a
parallel anguish, nor torn apart and away from our mental horizons.

As always it is easy for say me to talk from outside, BUT it is easier for
those in Goa to change a few things. Ex: There is nothing that should
prevent a minister, or a councillor and accordingly down the chain to walk
the streets with broom, invite people walking around, hand them a broom and
say -- at least join me today -- I intend to follow this up on and off;
serve some tea from small restaurants close by. If not Goans in the
beginning on account of our much celebrated tumidity's, trust me the
outsiders including the well-heeled ones will participate.

In my personal work, I look at religion, sexuality and consciousness. To a
large degree it is about memory -- many personal ones and others as I learn
them over time; your reference gives me the opportunity to say this. It is
on account of certain memories -- many of them irate, and others that
conjoin with them that I am in the process of making changes in my time and
how I see its furtherance and sustenance. A visit to will bring some of it out.

Thanks JC. Thanks all.
venantius j pinto

Message: 1
Date: Sun, 16 Jan 2011 11:00:58 -0500
From: "J. Colaco  < jc>" <>
To: soter <>,      "Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!"
Subject: Re: [Goanet] misfired price blame

Leal notes quite pertinently:
?If a nation loses its memory, it loses everything. Countries and
peoples who have forgotten their past no longer exist, or they have
become an amalgam of things and are no longer nations.?

Finally, I suggest that to actually gauge which systems are the best
achievable ones, it might be worth ascertaining which countries have
the happiest people. We may find that these are countries which are
not in the extremes of either Greed or Suppression.


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