I would encourage everyone here to look into the achievement of Zulema and 
vote for her. I have full respect for what she has done for the Goan community
here in Toronto.
Mervyn Lobo

--- Forwarded Message ----
Dear Friends,
You have no doubt all heard about, and are aware of, the “Top 25 Canadian 
Immigrants Awards Program”.    It is about people who have a lot of guts to 
stand up and be heard; who have an opinion and then share it with others; who 
step out of their daily lives to reach out to those in need. Immigrants who 

touched the lives of someone in a significant way, whether it's an artist who 
has inspired, an entrepreneur who has hired, a doctor who has healed or a 
teacher who has taught. These are the types of people who make the top 75 

The 2011 Program received hundreds of nominations highlighting inspiring people 
who have made a difference to Canada since their arrival. Now, the Program 
editors and panel of judges have selected a shortlist of 75 semifinalists, and 
voting starts on Friday, February 18, 2011. 

We nominated Zulema de Souza for this award for 2011 and out of the hundreds of 
people who were nominated, Zulema has made it to their top 75 shortlist!  We 

very glad and proud about this. It is now up to us, the Community and the 
general public (world wide), to vote for her so that she makes it into the 

Top 25!  We are asking you for your support. 

The voting process is quite simple indeed and we are requesting all our 

family and acquaintances to go on line and vote. Seniors: if you have 
difficulty, please ask your children/grandchildren to help you. It is really 
easy to vote.  You go online to you will see 
the photographs of all those who have made the shortlist.  Click on Zulema’s 
photograph and her Bio will be displayed. You can then cast your vote for her.
Please do this as early as possible (even though voting ends on April 18th) and 
tell all your friends about it too. Please do not procrastinate; the process is 
indeed easy and simple. The results will be announced on May 2011.
Thank you very much for voting for a person who deserves our recognition, and 
recognition Canada-wide. I am sure that Zulema will be very appreciative of 


Al Mathias

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