Wendell Rodricks wrote:
> Before 2000, Colvale was a sleepy village. An oasis of calm, one could 
> hear the pleasing sound of silence. All that changed when our crazed 
> leaders cut a wound through the village. Bang in the middle of Colvale
> was suddenly a great divide. Trucks, many with non Goan number plates, 
> honked incessantly on the highway that is at a continuous curve. Villagers 
> lost land and homes to a highway that suits Indian drivers more than it 
> does Colvalkars. 

Visiting my ancestral village of Colvale is always painful to me as NH17
runs over what was once the living room of my granddads house. As you 
have correctly pointed out, there is more than a likely possibility that houses 
on both sides of the highway in Colvale could soon suffer a similar fate.

I too remember a time when Colvale was a sleepy village. One could hear
the bullock-cart or the tishro vendor from a mile away. Every-time I return 
to the village I feel there is more and more noise. This year the noise from 
the highway was worse than ever but I tried to convinced myself that I was 
perhaps only dreaming of the silence of yesteryear. Now that you have 
penned your thoughts, I know that I am not alone in my observations.

> It is time to revolt. Colvalkars and all Goans affected by this highway
> should block these audacious plans in the bud. There is no need for 
> public meetings with politicians who say one thing on a podium and 
> plan the rape of Goa in a unique stealth move they have perfected. 
> This is no emotional plea. It stems from exasperation at a system 
> which has no concerns for the common Goan. It is shameful that our 
> MLA from Colvale is agreeing to these expansion plans. The entire 
> plan should be shelved.

Goa has plenty of land to build roads on. It beats me why any govt would
build a national highway right thru the centre of a village. I hope you can
get your officials to see that progress need not be destructive.

BTW, I know of two spots in Colvale where it is still a bit quiet. They are 
the last two photo's in the link below, which I am sure you will recognize. 
The rest are pictures of the Colvale church which I must admit is in the
best state of upkeep I have ever seen. 


PS. I was really tempted and almost walked into your place two weeks 
ago but it was too early, even by my standards, for a sip of Goa's nectar.....

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