"SOTER"  wrote : <so...@bsnl.in>
To: <goa...@goanet.org>
Subject: [Goanet] Chalo Panjim!
I support the PTA agitation against the attempts of government to make konkani 
compulsory from Std. V to X. These communal casteist politicians are doing no 
service to Goa nor konkani. They send their children to posh English medium 
schools and then to USA while the people in the villages are victimised with 
linguistic jingoism. 
If at all konkani cause is to be supported then it must be made compulsory for 
each and every school in the city to teach in konkani and no other language.
How many politicians who shed tears for konkani have taught their children in 
konkani medium schools?

Comments :  Camilo Fernandes
It is no more a surprise that our crooked politicians preach one thing and 
practice another.  They just pretend that they are true lovers of Goa and 
Konkani but in reality are destroyers.  They will send their family members to 
the best English medium schools no matter how expensive they and  for further 
studies abroad.    Making Konkani compulsory especially in the Devagiri script 
is certain death for Konkani in the long run.  I am all for Konkani to be 
studied in Roman script and  it should be made compulsory  as the second 
language, the first being English.  These politicians are hypocrites just 
externally expressing their love for Konkani but not meaning it or practicising 
what they preach.   A good example is of the Shiv Sena in Mumbai where their 
top politicians/leaders are against English while demanding admission for their 
family members/community in Catholic English medium schools. 
Dev borem korum
Camilo Fernandes                                          

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