Soter bab,

For your information, the Portuguese, in concert with the chamcha Hindus, suppressed Goa's mother tongue which is Concani, which after Goa's annexation tobe called Konkani or Konkni.

While suppressing Concani, the Portuguese allowed Marathi to flourish ( Xalas). Why the bias is a well known fact. You may ask Uday Bhembre that.

Yes, you are right. During my primary schooling, which was after completing 7 years of age, I was introduced to E N G L I S H and nothing but Tutti-Fruity E N G L I S H. I could have been a scientist of renown or a literary figure of Booker Prize stature if those few years in the primary school were devoted to giving me knowledge about life rather then make me a confused lad throughout my school days. If I must tell you, I couldn't talk one complete sentence in English without first rehearsing it mentally when I stepped into St. Xavier's College, Bastora. And mind you, I passed a little short of distinction at 67 % in SSC board exam. If at all I have any mastery over the English Language, it is because I have been a voracious reader all my life. And the pity of it all is that even having Hindi as a subject for SSC and even upto Inter Science, I cannot read my Concani in devanagiri.

Therefore, don't you go with what was then and what is now.
Mother tongue is the tongue that the kid understands without teaching him to understand. It could be any language. And it is incumbent on the state or the country to give the citizen the best of his/her mother tongue.

Goans have always hated their own mother tongue. The result is that even God cannot unite them for even a single purpose of their own survival.

Do not bother to tell me more on this topic because I know fully well what beautiful phylosophy comes out of your confused mind.

Cheers n B/rgds

----- Original Message ----- From: "SOTER" <>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, March 25, 2011 3:51 PM
Subject: Re: [Goanet] HERALD'S CONENT MANUFACTURE CONTINUES- MediumofInstruction *

So here we have Floriano Lobo of Goa SU-RAJ posing a battery of questions to probably their illiterate Goans like me who assumably responds to emotions like his fellow Goans and has no understanding about the sciences. Before answering the questions posed by ded xanno moidecar, I would like to put forth my questions. Floriano bab, When was konkani imposed as the medium of instruction in Goa's schools? What was your medium of instruction in primary school, was it konkani or marathi? I do not remember of any medium of instruction other than English and Marathi in post liberation Goa. If it was prior to liberation then it could be Portuguese. So how has not imparting of teaching in one's mother tongue, which you claim to be konkani, stunted your mental development and suppressed your creativity? Who decides one's mother tongue, a bunch of self-imposed politicos and handful of fanatics? More questions will follow after you have satisfied me with this data and only then will I answer your questions.

-Soter D'souza

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