You've decided to hire a consultant to help you with your project. Now it's time to get the right person for your job. Here are the questions to ask in a handy checklist form.

- What role will the consultant fulfill?
- Do you have executive and sponsorship support for your project?
- If not, is the consultant expected to develop that support?
- Do you want a consultant from a large firm or an independent consultant?

(This could impact project resources, because independent consultants often use resources from a client's enterprise. This person can be replaced without loss of resources, whereas it might be more difficult to replace a consultant from within a big consultant firm because of the draw on resources that person has).
-What skill sets and value does the consultant offer?
- How would a consultant handle a given hypothetical scenario?
- Is the consultant free from any influences or associations that might affect his decisions and project advice? - Would the consultant have any potential conflicts of interest if s/he did work for your company? - Is the consultant bound by confidentiality agreements from another company? - Does the consultant need to sign a confidentiality agreement before working on your project? - What experience does the consultant have dealing with similar projects to what you have in mind? - Does the consultant have a pertinent business and knowledge base for your project? - Will the consultant stand up to management and tell the truth, even if it is something no one wants to hear?

Dear friends wishing you all the best to choose a very useful consultant when you need one!!

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