Dear All,

It makes me cry when i read something on the newspaper and the ground reality 
is totally different . 

When i read the statement made by our Honorable Chief Minister that there are 
more IT graduates but fewer IT firms in Goa i wondered whether our Chief 
Minister is kept in the loop of what some Goans want to do in Goa as far as IT 
is concerned.

To cut long story short , i had attended the Global Goans Convention in Oman 
two years ago and i was asked by our renowned Goans/Politicians who attended 
the same why i did not want to come down to Goa and that Goa Government/NRI 
office would help me in every way, i did express my desire to come down to Goa 
and request my esteemed Global Organization i work with to start something big 
in Goa on IT , but i was also confronted sarcastically by some concerned Goans 
that is better i stay where i am because most of the IT business is being 
awarded to IT companies outside Goa and i would only stand to lose more . 
Politicians/Speakers make lots of promises in the foreign land to impress Goans 
settled overseas that they are very much concerned about Goans but once you 
reach Goa ..and start looking around for these so called Politicians the 
response is either .....Bab Bair ghela or Bab meeting bosla...or Bab 
London...Americak...or ani fuim Ghela and so on , hence
 that put the entire idea on the backfoot for me .I attended the last years 
Goan Convention in Kuwait and was given an opportunity to speak , i did 
highlight the talk i had with some Politicians in 2009 convention and we were 
in 2010 on the same issue where nothing constructive happened , in short these 
Global Goan Conventions are fun to attend you meet many straight forward Goans 
but the only snag no decisions are made on any issue, nothing is concluded and 
that is a pity state of affairs.

I am not criticising neither the Honorable Chief Minister nor any Politician 
but just requesting elected representatives of Goa to be true to yourselves 
when you make speeches and have some conscious to feel guilty when you feel 
something and say something.

Who wouuldn't want to start an IT firm in Goa ....i would certainly fly down 
and start something small abd absorb Goans with IT background and gradually see 
various options to take gradutates on board , but Govt of Goa has to award us a 
sustainable  project , we are not competing with the bigwigs of the IT  
industry but certainly it is not impossible .

Give us a try and let's see where and how we can succeed in transforming the IT 
sector in Goa to its great heights.

God bless you all.


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