Tuesday the 6th of April 2011 is a Black Day for the Konkani World when certain 
disguised communal konknni mergerists decided to marry the well known communal 
marathiwadis at the Azad Maidan to entertain themselves in an orgy of christian 
bashing. The then Convenor of Konkni Porjecho Avaz Shri Pundalik Naik and Uday 
Bhembre, the then little known before the KPA just like the GBA's  Oscar, were 
carried overboard  by their communal passions and seemed to have conveniently 
forgotten history of the Konknni movement. And so were the N. Shivdas and 
Ramesh Verluskar elements who taught and retired from teaching in then diocesan 
English medium schools managed by the very nuns and priests that their 
counterparts chose to abuse. We did not miss the spectacular sight of the 
exchanges between President of the Konknni Basha Mandal and the leaders of name 
plaque smashers of Fontainhas and the intruders into the Bishop's House during 
the Parrikar regime.

They suffered a stroke of dementia and did not recall that the very mergerists 
before them were not there 25 years ago to fill the grounds of Azad Maidan and 
swell the numbers to gherao the Government Secretariat in Panjim. They failed 
to recollect in their bout of blindness from communal passion that the very 
nuns and priests with their Cristao followers they swear against now were the 
very ones that saved face for the ungrateful Pundalik Naik and his band of 
konknniwadis. It was not a Prashant or a Bhatikar that laid down their life for 
konkani, but a young Cristao called Floriano Vaz who probably never knew that 
'Konkani' meant 'Konknni in the devanagiri script'. 

These mergerists who today bark about 'Goan sanskruuti' at Azad Maidan  perhaps 
chose to forget that the very Cristaos they seek to persecute were far-sighted 
enough 43 years ago to oppose a merger with Maharashtra, when compared to their 
short-sighted communal mergerists who assembled at Azad Maidan today.  
Interestingly they have no problem with government aid for Kannada, Gujarati 
and Urdu government primary education. But 25 years later the shameless 
Cristaos of Goa are being given lessons on patriotism and nationalism by a 
bunch of diguised communal mergerists who hide behind masks of konknni 
patriotism. If other Cristaos are so foolish as to not see the disguised 
communal colours in a secular gown, we are definitely not. And for those who 
claim that Goa is a paradise of communal harmony, sorry it is no more. It is 
only that the venomous cocktail has not exploded yet. 

We thank God for the medium of instruction issue for it has helped publicly 
expose the weed from the corn. We are not at all surpised by these mercenaries 
because we had encountered them during the GBA experience. It was the gullible 
Goan who gets emotionally charged with no reason that needed to know the true 
colours. While we respect the right of every citizen to dissent, we have 
contempt for those who distort and communalise issues for their personal gains. 

And hopefully the Goan Cristao will not forget this part of history so as to 
offer himself or herself in the future for the pleasures of the communal 
mergerists and be repeatedly used as a door mat to protect Goa when convenient 
only to be later dubbed as anti-national and denationalised. But we will surely 
be there in future to remind these konknni fundamentalists of Goa's history at 
the most unexpected moments. My kith and kin will be reminded of this story of 
this mega treachery by the disguised communal konknni mergerists so that they 
may be wise enough to make the same blunders that we committed.  And for us, 
this is going to spell the death of the konkani language.

May God save Goa from the communal Konknni mergerists!


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