Bernado Colaco wrote:
-The post below makes funni reading. Because one has democracy one can fire any 
crap. I have not seen the movie but I wonder how much art form is being 
portrayed besides being insulting and derogatory to Goans.
Why does that not surprise me? BC afterall has made it his national pastime to 
comment on books without reading them and films without viewing them.
Insulting and derogatory to Goans? Says who? If I were to make a list of the 
movies which portray Bombay as a hub for smuggling, it would take me the whole 
day. If I were to make a list of the variation of the line "here liquor is 
and the women are cheaper" it would probably take me two days. Its just a filmy 
glib line which would suit any hick town or metropolis in India.
The Goa Government seems to care a lot about a film which might destroy their 
tourist revenue but they don't care enough to have the drug nexus investigated 
by the CBI. They seem to care a lot about the portrayal of women in movies and 
yet when women are raped in Goa, the government immediately blames women 
(remember the famous line "we have never seen women like this" by our Tourism 
Department official?) and enacts laws which further trample on their individual 
freedoms. Incidentally, while the bikini is banned in Goa, reportedly, it is 
worn by the women (one Russian amongst them) hired to do a tourism industry 
promo for Goa. So whatever happened to protecting women's modesty? This is 
hypocrisy of the worst sorts.
You can't have it both ways. Cry freedom of speech when the RSS and Shiv Shena 
want to trample on our rights and insist on censoring the art and literary 
world, and then demand censorship when something bothers us. Democracy demands 
of us that we uphold its principlse even when it is odious to do so. 

We as Goans don't have the luxury of being adolescents in perpetuity. We had 
better grow up and grow up fast if we are to truly create a democracy. 
Otherwise, we are wandering in the dark, demanding change in others and 
unwilling to change ourselves.

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