[1] Marlon writes:
"This issue is not about the right of groups to protest a movie, but
rather whether extremist elements within society have the right to
muzzle free speech or the right to freely conduct business by
attempting to ban such activities."

[2] E DeSousa <ejd...@att.net> wrote: A class action lawsuit would
determine soon enough who has the most rights: the exploiters or the
exploited. Not sure if this remedy is available in Goa.


While a 'class action suit' is hardly the way to approach this issue,
it is possible that Marlon and Selma are right on this matter. Both
Marlon (in the US) and Selma (in the UK) are allowed (it appears)
under their rights to 'freedom of speech' to call Afro-Brits and
Afro-Americans .....niggers in public. Will they please confirm?

I hope that they will not be claiming next that 'child pornography' is
an art which should also be protected under 'free speech'.

The fact is that Goans (esp Goan women) have been needlessly, unfairly
and ignorantly slandered and cast in derogatory light by Bollywood and
the Indian media.....ever since I can remember.

The icing on the cake is that these same Bollywood jokers come to Goa
and carry on .....very appropriately (do they not?) and then blame
Goan women!

Perhaps, they do not know what the word "Goan" means!

As one joker connected with the film reportedly said recently (I
paraphrase): Goa is a fictional item. Later about that.

But .....for now .....I would like to ask when Marlon and Selma
exercised their "freedom of speech" on the matter I have placed above.

Bollywood ....please stay in Bollywood. Goa is a fictional place. Do
not come there. Enough is enough.


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