First question we should ask how did MPT became custodian of the land they 
claim is their own.
This question also goes to Indian Navy. Both these entities were non-existence 
before 19 Dec 1961 in Goa.
The total of 30-40 percent land in Marmagoa is under illegal occupation of 
non-goans be it zuari naga, magor hills, vaddem, Baina etc.
In Goa "might is right" and this is very rampant for the last 10 years.  With 
the political patronage land grabbing is new form of corruption effecting Goans.
I would not comment on the Court verdict against Khariawado residence but how 
MPT got the ownership of this land (and more land) is questionable. 
Post economic liberation of 1990, the poor man is getting poorer and rich man 
richer. One of the main reason, the land owners are ejected from their 
ancestral land by the large business house and Government buy paying pittance 
amount for the land.  

If Goa wants to see the real development, there is  a need to re-visit our 
Government land acquisition policies. Land owner must be given share equity in 
the project/company along with the job and cash.  Current government policies 
are anti people and pro-industry.  The aam admi is robbed of his livelihood 
which is their land.  The money paid vanish much quicker due to high inflation 
and the  aam admi turned into a BEGGAR in no time.  If government is serious ( 
I seriously doubt any of the 40 are interested ) in people oriented development 
then they have to change the land acquisition law. If they don't people will 
continue agitating against every project good or bad. 


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