-----Original Message-----
From: Mervyn Lobo
Sent: April-08-11 10:48 PM

> - B,
> This one is scary.
> I still have not figured out if you only wanted to act a little silly
> or if you really are unable to conduct a google search on the subject.

RESPONSE: No thanks for your non-apology apology! For sure anybody reading this exchange and you, should be scared since you continue to imagine a tsunami occurred on April 7, 2011.

> Out of concern for you, I googled, "April 7th tsunami" and got "about
> 4,140,000 results in (0.09 seconds)."
> Here is the very first link:
> http://www.cbsnews.com/video/watch/?id=7362011n

RESPONSE: Out of concern for yourself and your cred take the time to visit your own link above and read it. Then come back and tells us whether a tsunami really occured on April 7, 2011. It will take some courage. You are starting to sound like an ex-Goanetter who would thrust links at us without reading what they say and then argue about them.

> I will try, for one last time, to explain why any tsunami that
> originates off the coast of Japan would be harmless to Goa. The
> continent called Asia acts as a barrier to the tsunami. The
> Himalaya's, in particular, are higher than any tsunami. They will
> always protect Goa from any Japanese tsunami.

RESPONSE: The fact of the matter, unfortunately is, not only are you the only individual in the world who insists on a tsunami occurring on April 7, 2011, you are also the only one here who insists on drawing a connection between a tsunami in Japan and Goa. I have full faith in you.....this will not be the last time. But don't let me stop you googling!! Perhaps you are referring to the Himalaya Bar in Candolim, Goa where one can get really high, I hear, high and out of the way from an imaginary tsunami!!!

> Lastly, I am not in the business of providing assurance. All I am
> willing to do is point out the reasons why something is not possible.

RESPONSE: What is not possible is for you to find a way out of the pickle you have thrust yourself into.

Take heed....words of wisdom from a wise Goanetter posted on April 3/11 (4 days before your imaginary tsunami hit you):

"I'd suggest that when I want to have knee-jerk reactions, I will have them before I leave the Taverna" [1]

Next stop Tsunami Bar, Monroe, Louisiana, perhaps!!!

- B


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