Dumb Maaro Dumber
By Cecil Pinto

Just as Rohan Sippy was about to panic when protests against his movie
had all but disappeared, there’s been a fresh onslaught of protests
from the strangest quarters. This will ensure that the Abhishek
Bachchan - Bipasha Basu starrer, Dum Maaro Dum, will continue getting
the type of attention, and curious viewers, that normal paid media
cannot buy.

Some background first. The ball was set rolling by Savio Rodrigues, a
‘media professional’, who asked the High Court  to ban the movie
because it insulted Goan women, or something to that effect. Savio’s
complaint was on the basis of one line used in the promos for the
film, set in Goa, “Liquor is cheap here, and women are even cheaper.”

The indignation against this line was reflected in the Goa Legislature
when some MLAs called for a ban on the movie during the last Assembly
session. They too based their argument on this one line about Goan
liquor and Goan women. As could be expected every women’s group in Goa
jumped into the fray and lambasted the movie, again on the basis of
one line from the promo. A new group was formed called Goenchea
Ostoreancho Awaz (Goan Women’s Sound) who were singing songs and
protesting for two days outside the INOX courtyard. Among other
posters they had hung up, one said, “Bollywood brain size peanuts,
Boob size coconuts”. I wonder which is more derogatory to women – the
movie or this poster.

Anyway, unlike the kneejerk reactions of the protestors, who had not
even seen the movie, there were many in Goa who were waiting to first
see the movie and then decide if it was indeed bad for Goa, and Goan
women in particular. And now the protestors are coming out in hordes.
The Goan Hindu Drug Dealers Association has protested. Said their
spokesman Raju Naik, “We have been dealing in drugs since generations.
Our network includes politicians and their progeny. Why has every drug
dealer and trafficker in the movie been given Catholic sounding names?
Michael Barbossa, Colin Coutinho, Lorsa Biscuita? What about the Naiks
and Pednekars and Harmalkars?

Equally indignant is the Kashmiri Drug Network. “We are always
discriminated against where India is concerned. First conditions are
made unbearable in our home state, and when we try to make an
illegitimate living here we are not given due respect. Do you know how
much it costs to rent handicraft shops as fronts for our drug dealing?
And what do we get in return? Insults! The Russians, the Israelis, the
Brits, the Goans, even the pathetic Nigerians are mentioned in the
movie. But us Kashmiris are just ignored!”

The Nigerian Once Syndicate made their stand very clear. “We have
stopped peddling drugs and now are only consuming drugs. We have moved
into mail order and Internet scams and feel very insulted that we are
still portrayed as petty peddlers. Ya maan! Pass the dutchie on da
left hand side…”

No Goan prostitutes association has yet commented on the movie but
let’s see what vice expert Lucano Alvares has to say on the matter.
“Now if they are saying liquor is cheap we have to first figure if
they are talking about Goan liquor or just liquor in general”, says
Lucano. “To cut it short, the Geographical Indicator Status was given
specifically for Caju Feni made using the lavnecho process. So the
only Goan liquor as such is Caju Feni. Now an average consumption to
get oneself sufficiently intoxicated would be three pegs, or one
quarter, of Caju Feni. Domestic tourists get drunk with even less but
let’s not even go there. A quarter of Caju can cost anywhere between
Rs. 25/- at some cheap village bar to Rs. 300/- at an Air Conditioned
bar in central Panjim or on the beach belt. Let’s take an average
restaurant frequented by a domestic tourist. Rs. 180/- should easily
get him three pegs. Now if this same domestic tourist decides to
indulge in some paid-for sexual activity he will need much, much more
than Rs. 180/. Starting with a basic massage at Rs. 800/- one progress
to digital or oral stimulation for an additional Rs. 1,500/-. Proper
penetrative protected sex would cost anywhere between Rs. 2000/- to
Rs. 5000/- for an Indian prostitute. Rs. 5000/- to Rs. 25,000/- is the
range for an East European prostitute. But then if we are talking
about Goan liquor prices we should compare them only with Goan
prostitute prices. Ethnic Goan prostitutes are very difficult to find
but my research shows that only an offer of matrimony can elicit
sexual favours from Goan women. And you better keep to your promise or
you will be accused of rape if you change your mind later.”

The ex-Andhra Galli Prostitutes of Baina are also protesting. “We were
given to believe that lots of paid-sex would be on display and we had
got new rate cards printed and were awaiting a big demand. The movie
is a total disappointment. The few sexual encounters are not of a
paid-for nature and are the usual romance/party/exploitation type.
What use is this portrayal for our business? We are planning to sue
the producers because their trailer gives an impression of
prostitution galore, but the movie is totally about drugs only!”

The mining lobby was represented by four ministers from the Goa
Cabinet. “We are united in our protest”, they said. “This is a total
insult to us and all that we represent. We make crores of rupees from
selling Goan ore legally and illegally. We are mining like there’s no
tomorrow and destroying Goa’s finely balanced ecology. We are leaving
hollow hills, destroying villages and raping Goa of her tambdi mati.
And what does the film say about us? Precious nothing! Drugs bah! How
much do our coastal belt colleagues make from looking the other way
when drug dealing and rave parties are organized? Precious little. We
make a hundred times more and we are treated like nothing. This is an
insult to Goans. Surely thousands of tonnes of red mud is worth more
than a few kilos of drugs!”

Konkani Purists Association Kundlik Naik had this to add. “We have
fought so many battles to protect the purity of our Devnagri Konkani
from the onslaught by the impure Roman Konkani people. But what do we
see in this movie? The most atrocious Konkani grammar and vocabulary.
One phrase used as a goodbye by a central character is ‘Adeus Saiba.
Be sussegad!’. Now what language is this and which Goan says things
like this? This is an insult to my mother tongue and the medium of

The South Goa Tourist Taxi Drivers Association also felt they had no
representation. "Even Goa’s unique motorcycle pilots have been
represented in the movie but we are ignored. Can anyone encounter Goa
without encountering us? We will force ourselves on tourists and
overcharge them and cheat them and even hammer them up. None of this
has been shown in the movie. This is bad for our business. Tourists
will think they can actually see Goa without being harassed by us!”

More protestors are expected.

The article above was featured in Gomantak Times dated 27th April 2011

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