Goa’s Fear Psychosis

The dreams and designs of the Marathi protagonists were defeated a
long time ago, but today after years in hibernation and with the
victory of the parents in the MOI issue, they have suddenly woken up
to the reality that with grants for English medium, Marathi would be
obsolete in Goa in the years to come and now in the name of protecting
Konkani, are  now trying their level best to protect Marathi. Konkani
survived over 450 years of Portuguese rule and around two decades of
Marathi protagonists’ rule and, will not die even if English is made
the MOI.

Right to the medium of instruction is the prerogative of the parents
and it should not be politicized. The government has only approved
grants for English medium which is a fundamental right of choice of
the parents. Konkani and Marathi schools have not been forcefully
closed down. The people who oppose grants to English medium schools
are free not send their children or grand children or even great
grandchildren to Konkani or Marathi Medium schools, it will be their
choice and nobody can force it on to them.

After the Bali violence where the law order machinery was found
missing during action, people have lost faith in the civil services
and hence refrained from sending their children to school, though a
lot of schools remained open especially in south Goa. In some places
the hired goons of the BBSM forcefully stopped buses and damaged them
and even went to the extent of taking the students back to their
homes. Is this democracy, where people are forced to do something that
they do not want to do and call it success ? This is infact anarchy
and dictatorship and certainly not democracy. The opportunists Marathi
protagonists may think the bundh was a success but analysis will show
the result was due to the fear psychosis of Goans and not as support
against English as a medium of instruction.

With the fear psychosis, we Goans have invited trouble in tons on
ourselves because from here on this radical right wing BBSM will wield
violence and hold us to ransom taking advantage of our fear psychosis,
so it is of utmost importance that we carry on our fight without fear
in what we believe is right.

Whatever the problem is, violence and bundhs are not the solution,
it’s the only way for anti social elements and miscreants to spread a
reign of terror to generate fear psychosis and push forth their own

The efficiency and the ingenuity of a government is measured by the
way it handles chaotic situations or nips such situations at the bud
by preventive measures, but the apathy of our government to handle
such chaotic situations or prevent such situations was evident by
their inaptness and their lack of fore sight, as two young men lost
their lives at Bali and a good number of buses and other modes of
transport damaged in the latest situation. The laid back attitude of
our CM is a curse on Goans, as he lets things happen and then cool
down, before he thinks it’s prudent to act. How can a person with such
irrational philosophy be the CM of Goa ?

Wake up Goa, get rid of the fear psychosis, throw these scumbags out
and show that Goa and Goans are rational people

Freddy Agnelo Fernandes

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