Using this weapon of protest to highlight issues is suicidal, forcing
acceptance  under threat and blackmail and is unacceptable It works,
when the personality has the following and adverse consequences may be
too  heavy on social map .The parliamentarians  talk of the supremacy
of the institution and privilege to pass the legislation. Who sends
them to the Parliament ? The electorate have every right to shake them
up and take note of the simmering discontent When they do not act in
the best interests of the electorate, there is no provision for recall
. The only recourse is next election and that is too distant.
Politicians feel that once elected they are kings and nobody can
question or touch them The electorate that elects them have every
right to protest, There is no limit of terms in public service , nor
experience or education as it is the case in any type of service There
any number of uneducated , criminals in Parliament, who never raise
any voice or take par in debates and discussions, or frame legislation
, which is their basic duty. Does the parliament provide for dharnas,
unruly behavior.The parliament for the very  first time was held to
ransom and not allowed to function by the BJP, until their demand for
investigation of 2G scam was accepted . Is it in any way different to
the peaceful protest of Anna Hazare? The Parliamentarians themselves
are laying standards of obtaining results by extreme actions. There is
no pay commission for them and hence they merrily extend to themselves
astronomical amounts in pay, pensions and other benefits. Who can
protest and how? The Govt only reacts to mass public protests, which
only wake them up to  the underlying problems, that are unbearable
The Parliamentarians will not frame legislation that cut their own
feet, the delay of Lokpal bill for more than ten years is an example,
The mounting scams of corruption are surfaced only by the active print
and television media, without which these would nevercome to light of
public domain. The common people are unable to fathom the depths of
these scams  and how they impact their lives in general .Politicians
at all levels are fountain heads of all corruption. Nothing happens
without their active involvement, connivance or knowledge. They have
their finger in every pie Hence public uprising is the only way to
make the Parliamentarians to act swiftly and decisively The results in
Egypt and other Arab countries are more  recent events of mass
uprising to assert their rights  The politicians for too long have
taken the people for granted, stating their right to legislate as they
want and when and where they want, without any concern for the
electorate The Parliamentarians must take the views of the people to
whom they represent .and be responsible and be concerned to their
plights The protest are not dictating laws, but only creating
awareness of demands, which cannot be ignored any more Some
representatives of the parties argue that the protestors do not
represent them. They certainly do not also represent every body except
their party and constituency they are elected from Discrediting mass
protest as undemocratic ways to force legislation will not solve the
crisis of trust and despondency
Nelson lopes Chinchinim 9850926276

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