Advertisement By Dubai Goans

The advertisement on Herald dated 15th June’11 by a group of so called
Dubai Goans has created a flutter all over Dubai. I begin to wonder if
this Dubai Goans body is a joke or a secession of the elite. I myself
was taken back reading the crap that was mentioned in the
advertisement. It potentially shows the degrading mentality of a few
bootlickers who are forever under obligation or look forward to being
under obligation to our corrupt politicians.

Now this particular advertisement has put forth two theories, one,
it’s the bootlickers who are glorifying these corrupt politicians or
second, the politicians sanctifying themselves and both very much
possible, as from past experience there isn’t shortage of bootlickers
in Dubai, infact they are in abundance, where these “abstract notions”
are made chief guests, sponsors and even interviewed for their
benefit. When ever these guys come to Dubai you’ll always find the
ample stooges falling all over themselves to be of service to these
corrupt inapt politicians. As for glorifying themselves, it’s been
running in their veins for decades and today it has embalmed in their
genes too.

I was more than shocked with the contents of the advertisement, my
sympathies with them for they do not know what they are doing or
saying . What I cannot understand is when was this Dubai Goans body
formed and how and when were these honoraries elected ? Most of the
Goans I know residing in Dubai do not have any idea about the
existence of this body, leave alone the luminaries. It is indeed
confusing but then it’s nothing new as most of what’s happening with
Dubai Goans has always been confusing ! Isn’t that right ?

Freddy Agnelo Fernandes

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