Dear Nelson,

You are the MF Husain with a paint brush so effectively wielded, bold and faint. But then, you must realize that your elaborate painting will fetch a good appreciation even to the extent of being hung on the educated walls. That's it. Nada mais. It will remain there, unseen and un-acknowledged, to die a death of disregard, while the electorate moves like ants, life rolling, with elections coming and going with the regularity of the monsoon rains.

PEOPLE VOTE FOR PEOPLE. And that is the fact of life. PEOPLE WILL NEVER VOTE FOR A SYSTEM. You give them the best in governance, you show them how it will work, you show them the self-sacrifice involved, you flash the benefits that this SYSTEM of governance will provide them in the short /long run, in short you exhaust your tonsils to better inform them that what you are promoting will take care of the aches and pains of mal governance and corruption that they are cursing from daybreak to sunset.

Sadly, NO. It will not work, unless and until you give them the person they want to vote for. They know very well that what you have explained cannot go hand in hand with the person they want to vote to power. They will discard your excellent first class picture of good governance, even pee on it, but vote they will the person they have decided to vote for.

I am talking through experience well earned. I have tried telling people to go for a SYSTEM that is written down, a SYSTEM which is sure to work if the right amount of discipline is involved, that, even if a DONKEY is fielded as the candidate who has been chosen to drive that SYSTEM home, to GO FOR IT, blindly.

The response that I have received is: WHO CARES FOR THE SYSTEM...... WE WANT TO VOTE FOR THE RIGHT CANDIDATE, the CANDIDATE who will WIN. ........... meaning...... 'WE DO NOT WANT TO WASTE OUR VOTE'

This only translates into ..... the 'candidate' who will satisfy every urge of mine, before elections as much as after elections.

I am wiser now.
I have stopped telling people how diligent the SYSTEM must be that will govern them because, you give them the best and nothing will come of it. All that I want to do is to get my facts in order (work towards getting the facts stright and proper) as to how many voters in each and every 'booth' of a constituency will press the button on the symbol that is projected FOR CHANGE when the time comes. If the right, necessary 'average' does not gel in the preliminary estimates, it is wise to drop this electoral exercise like a hot coal and retire, to save a lot of grief and trouble.

The final word is either one of these two:-
1. Your desired 'average' will be attained only with ingeniously designed all-round incentives to the voter.
2. Painstaking NETWORKING with people (if there are people) who desire 'good-effective-governance' for a change, much in advance of the final push-button date, remembering that one does not have to work the entire 'ROLL' to attain this magic average.


----- Original Message ----- From: "Nelson Lopes" <>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, June 19, 2011 4:52 PM
Subject: [Goanet] election time is carnival

Election time carnival comes once in five years under normal
circumstances and sometimes earlier, but it lasts foe more than 3 days
Not everybody waits in anticipation and bated breath, but it sure
lights up the fortune of the seekers and the sought You know it is
coming, when the MLA`s start attending weddings, funerals, birthday
parties, nominate block development and Mahila Mandals functionaries.

The only profession they know is
politics and which is the best profession also for their aspirant sons
and daughters .It is for  this reason that the politicians want to die
with their boots on and be buried with honour and mud of political
glory. You must make a difference by your act and sacred vote cast
Nelson Lopes Chinchinim 9850926276

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