Parents defeated the bandh by accompanying children to school

By Nisser Dias
nisserdias at
SMS to 9422437029

The all Goa bandh called by the Bharatiya Bhasha Suraksha Manch (BBSM) to coincide with the re-opening of the academic year 2011-2012 to protest the government’s decision to extend grant-in-aid to government and aided schools who adopt English as one of the medium of instruction (MOI) was defeated by the parents as they defiantly refused to boycott school. The parents unitedly took their children to schools all over the state to mark high percentage of attendance and also to convey a message to the protestors that they do not have the support of the parents.

Members of BBSM, BJP, MGP, Shiv Sena and all those who actively supported the bandh might shout from roof tops that it was successful but what should be the parameters to decide its success. Should it be blocking of highways, forcibly shutting down business establishments, stoning and damaging government property, threatening motorists or should it be the attendance in schools. If the latter is taken as the sole parameter to decide the success then all those supporting the bandh have failed miserably. If the attendance in schools is taken as the parameter to decide the success of the bandh then the parents have outright rejected BBSM and embraced the decision of the government giving a choice to parents to educate their children.

Furthermore businessmen and entrepreneurs have not downed shutters willingly or to show solidarity with the protestors. They have done so out of fear of hooligans and goons who have entrenched themselves in communal political parties like the BJP, MGP and Shiv Sena. For example BJP’s candidate in Margao Sharmad Raiturkar was shown on local channels threatening and coercing shop owners who defied the bandh call to close down or face the consequences. And police instead of giving protection to the businessmen looked as if they were personal body guards of Raiturkar. Another personality of the saffron party who was leading BJP vagabonds and hooligans was Rupesh Mahatme who has loads of experience in vandalism and is alleged to have been a member of the Goan team that had taken part in the demolition of Babri Masjid.

Another aspect of the bandh is that, the BBSM have been successful in using force and violent means to close business establishments in the state to the extent that many of the goons barged into various banks and manhandled staff and forced them to close. However though most of the entrepreneurs and banking staff saw to it that they dropped their children to school. I expected Opposition leader Manohar Parrikar one of the most qualified person in the state to display some dignity and maturity but he himself was part of the hooligans and protestors roaming the streets to forcibly closed down establishments and paralyze the state.

Infact Manohar Parrikar has no moral right to participate in the bandh as in 2009 All Goa Unaided Schools Parents Association (AGUSPA) had brought to his notice about the exploitation of parents by managements of private unaided school and also the lack of opportunity for the lower section of the society to study English. He promised a discussion but never got round to doing it for almost two years.

His attitude brings a question to my mind, does education in Marathi of which he is strong believer, inculcates intolerance, violence and hooliganism. Otherwise why did Parrikar and BBSM fail to demand a special assembly session to debate the matter before resorting to bandh? Why did they not approach the High Court through writ petition before causing hardship to the general public and loss to the state. This would have an educated approach rather than using force to close down business establishment, paralyzing movement and indulging in vandalism.

Ultimately, the protestors has achieved nothing by resorting to bandh on the contrary they have lost their credibility and also sympathy from the general public.

Shashikala Kakodkar a staunch supporter of Marathi who was by her father’s side to merge Goa with Maharashtra has allegedly made some communal statements like the government’s decision to give a choice to the parents is an appeasement to the minority community. I simply cannot understand why the minority is being targeted, if a demand is made for Romi script, the minorities are blamed, demand for English as one of the mediums of instruction fingers are pointed at minorities. Has this protaganist of Marathi and lover of Maharashtra ever stopped to think or rather check the percentage of students from the majority community attending English medium private schools, has she the answers to the high percentage of students from majority community attending schools run by minorities who are dedicatedly imparting education to students irrespective of caste, creed and religion. It would better for septuagenarian Shashikala to check the fact and figures before trying to communalize the issue and bring about a divide in the peaceful co-existence of communities in the state.

Secondly her MGP party legislator Transport minister Sudin Dhavlikar is on record stating that he would quit the cabinet if the government extends grant-in-aid to government and aided schools adopting English as MOI even though his children are being educated through English medium. Parents who fought for the inclusion of English as MOI are waiting for his resignation.

Conclusively, the purpose of all Goa bandh resorted to by BBSM and actively supported by BJP, MGP and Shiv Sena was defeated by the people and the parents by sending them to school on the opening day of the academic year 2011-2012. (ENDS)

First published in Gomantak Times, Goa - June 9, 2011

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