The GOANJ Christmas dance

Two bands will play at the Goan Association of New Jersey (GOANJ)  Christmas 
dance this
December. This additional feature- a first-  is part of the Association's 20th 
anniversary celebrations

The bands are the New Jersey-based "PRISM"  led by popular DJ- Brian Barretto 
and the
Toronto-based "GOA AMIGOS". The dance will be held at the Royal Albert Palace 
On December 17. Both bands played at a recent fund-raiser  dance in New Jersey 
organized by the Goa America Heart Foundation

The dance will be preceeded by the annual Children's Christmas party, and a 
Whist Drive
"seven hands" cards tournament in October.

The Association's annual members only  picnic will be held on Saturday,  July 9 
at the
Princeton Country Club in West Windsor.  At this event, attendees will also 
elect new
members of the GOANJ executive committee. 


Tony Barros.
New Jersey, USA.

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